Sunday, December 8, 2013

Shimmering Champagne

Much too close on the heels of a later than usual harvest, the deathly pale beauty of winter arrives fashionable early in a swirling dress of brilliant white. 
Cotton stalks still standing in the farmer's fields are lavishly drenched with shimmering champagne crystals giving the appearance of a harvest celebration that has carried over into the dead of winter.
On the end of a row where the massive picker missed an opened boll at harvest, perfect locks of pure white cotton covered in crystal clear ice give a nod to what could have been, but thankfully wasn't.
Even the straw-like grass of the ditchbank and the ordinary fence of the fencerow are transformed into snapshots of splendor when bathed in the extraordinary beauty that is winter's pure white gown of ice and snow.

 Winter has arrived on early on the farm.


  1. Wow, the ice you've had this early in the year is amazing! It's lovely looking at the ice-coated cotton... thanks for sharing :)

  2. You're an amazing writer. It's inspiring!!
