Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fresh Tracks

Two days after a final summer rain wiped the slate clean, the still moist Earth tells the tales of yesterday's adventures. A deer strolled through the edge of the cotton field in search, perhaps, of a soybean meal from the field next door. Coyotes snuck through a freshly disced watermelon field, in all likelihood, stalking dinner. A crane danced through the puddles near the edge of Buffalo ditch, and a bevy of birds gathered at a makeshift watering hole for refreshment.

Like a butterfly emerging from the darkness of a cocoon, beauty is always revealed after the rain, if not in the skies above, then on the Earth beneath.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

White Diamonds

As Summer fades in the South, Harvest season approaches on slightly cooler winds of change. The once emerald green leaves of the cotton have lost their luster, turning rusty shades of orange and red. Dark chocolate spots cover the teardrop shaped bolls that remain unopened. And white diamonds have begun to sparkle on the very bottom branches of the plants. Fluffy newborn tufts of cotton rest on spiky husks of dried-up greenery turned brown by the labor of birthing such perfect beauty.

The beautiful bounty of Harvest is only just beginning. Soon the flawless snow of pure white gold will gently Fall, and pearly scenes of Harvest will stretch as far as the eye can see.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Late in the summer, when the cotton is maturing, and the harvest has not yet arrived, the farm family enjoys a little bit of freedom...a certain brand of fun found only on the farm. Flying along the dusty ground beneath cotton candy clouds born of late afternoon humidity. Listening to the pop-pop of ATV motors as they roar over the narrow dirt roads that run through the fields near home. Watching the scenery change from cotton to corn, then milo and melons. Hearing the joyous squeals of happy childhood memories being formed in the hearts and minds of young farmer boys.

Enjoying even the coarse breeze that carries with it a thin layer of dirt and the pungently sweet smell of melons that have sat a little too long in the heat of day.